Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Health In the News: Stress, Depression & Suicide

Title: Six Teenagers Are Charged After Classmate's Suicide

Source: The New York Times
Date: March 29, 2010

What does this article say? (Summary)
The article from the NYT is about a freshmen at South Hadley High School in western Massachusetts who faced different kinds of violence from a cluster of fellow students aged from 16 to 18 including stalking and statutory rape.  Phoebe Prince a 15 years old girl is from Ireland who moved to the United States and was "new" and unfamiliar to the culture of the school. She kept her depression within her for three horrifying months when she finally committed a suicide.

What does this article mean? (Big meaning)
"The rate of suicide in the U.S. is increasing for the first time in a decade", according to a new report form the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center. In the case of Phoebe Prince, she committed suicide because she was a foreigner and was new to the culture of the American school. There are two points of view in Phoebe's suicidal: her point of view and her loved ones point of view. Phoebe might have been through the toughest part of her life but the question is, was suicide the real solution that would solve the problem? It would have been much more effective if she shared her difficulties with her friend or even her mother. However, it might be a dilemma for Phoebe as she might have thought it was embarrassing to talk about this topic or she just ignored the fact that its only the new school year and things happen. In my personal opinion, the 'bigger meaning' from this article is that suicide should not only solved by death but through expressing one's emotion and trying to put effort not to get bullied by people around you. 

Why do I care? (personal meaning)
I have chosen this article because I had a time when I was extremely depressed because of a personal issue and at some point in my life I even thought of taking my own life. This article was relevant to what I  felt and I could comprehend her (Phoebe's) mind because sometimes even if you try talking to someone its useless and meaningless because they can't completely understand your situation and that makes you feel more depressed. But later I realized something, it was the unconditional love from my family and friends and by thinking of them I felt taking on my own life wasn't the right choice.  In the above paragraph I have emphasized two perspectives, this is because if you were in both side of the situation they are both true and agreeable. In fact, if one keeps a positive attitude and tries to focus on something that would keep them away from their problem and would be progress shown for the benefit of the life.