Saturday, January 29, 2011

Health Interview

Health Interview

What is his/her relationship to you?
My mum.
Question: Have you always been as healthy as you are now? Please explain.
Answer: No, three years ago my health had not been as good as I am now. I got tired easily and my condition wasn't good; I frequently had headaches and my body felt heavy.   

Question: What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?
Answer: 1. Nutritional Habits: I try to have balanced diet of food like eating fish, various kinds of vegetables,  meat, and mixed rice. I usually have a 2 capsules of dietary supplement (vitamins) per day. 

2. Fitness Habits: I like sports such as swimming, golf, streches and running in threadmill. I swim and play golf once or twice a week, I try to do streches whenever I have time, and I'd like to run in the threadmill while watching T.V. or listening to music or talking with my friend through my cellphone.

3. Coping with Stress: I try concentrate on something, for example when hitting golf balls at the practicing range or washing dishes or cleaning my house, swmming or staying among crowd people in the market.

4. Dealing with Conflicts: First I consider the cause of my conflict and then study the way of solving the problem. I usually get my friend's advise, read some books about conflicts or just solve it by myself. My personal policy of dealing with conflicts is that I don't give up and continue to think them positively because I believe that realising the cause of a problem gives a higher possibility of solving conflicts.

5. Keeping a Positive Attitude: In order to keep up with a positive attitude, I try to think of some situation positively even though the situation might be frustrating. I know that a negative attitude never helps to improve it.

6. Any Additional Healthy Habits: In my personal opinion, the most important and basic health habits are the interest and care for oneself. The more you keep reading books or surf on the internet or talking about your health with others, the more you earn information and increase your interest and you are able to make your life healthy and  happy without being ill and sick.

Question: How did you develop these habits? Please explain.
Answer: I developed these habits by doing exercises as much as I can every day and I also try to enjoy them by thinking positively.

Question: What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?
Answer: I have always hated going to the hospitals because I had a shocking experience in my early childhood days. When I was about six years old, my father was admitted in a hospital because of a serious car accident and that was the day I last saw him. Another incident was my brother's sudden cerebral hemorrhage. As a high school student (freshmen), his appearance after the surgery was uncomfortable and I witnessed that his recovery would take a long time and I felt how much pain my family had suffered. These two motives led me to keep a healthy lifestyle

Question: Earlier in the first question, you mentioned that you weren't healthy although you knew that health was a crucial part in life. Could you explain more specifically?
Answer: Good question! (smiling) I unconsciously realized that it was important to live a healthy life but I didn't recognize the details such as how to maintain my health and doing exercises and eating balanced food in daily my life and so on. I gradually found out all details through T.V. programs, internet, lecture or books regarding health. I would also like to mention that being healthy is to eat right, sleep right, treat others right and most importantly having a positive attitude towards oneself. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What makes a Healthy person?

I believe a healthy person is one who eats the right amount of food in the right time, being able to exercise regardless either at home or in the gym and having a strong positive attitude towards oneself and to the others.  The right amount of food means eating breakfast everyday and lunch and a little amount on dinner (not as heavy as breakfast or lunch), eating at the right time is also very important. Exercising is not only doing stretches, it is also having the ability to run 400 meters non stop and doing cardio and muscular exercises. By having a strong potential and a positive attitude would also make a person healthy.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"The Wheel of Life" is broken into a pie with 6 slices:

1) Intellectual: reasoning and understanding objectively. [Score:4/5]
Generally understand the concept taught by the teacher.

2) Social: connecting and interacting with people. [Score: 2/5]
Talking with people who I am not familiar with is uncomfortable and frustrating and I believe that I should improve on this because being socially active is one of an important part of our lives.

3) Emotional: Handling emotions regarding issues of friends, studies, parents etc. [Score:3/5]
Weak in handling emotions especially from issues like studies and friends.

4) Occupational: Student. [Score:  3/5]
As a student I am keeping up with my work on time but I do not have confidence in taking quizzes and tests.

5) Spiritual: Religion. [Score:4/5] 
Not a very religious person but tries to pray everyday and reflect on myself.

6) Physical: Being fit. [
Score: 2/5]
Needs to do more exercise (like running) and being physically fit by maintaing and eating healthy food.