Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"The Wheel of Life" is broken into a pie with 6 slices:

1) Intellectual: reasoning and understanding objectively. [Score:4/5]
Generally understand the concept taught by the teacher.

2) Social: connecting and interacting with people. [Score: 2/5]
Talking with people who I am not familiar with is uncomfortable and frustrating and I believe that I should improve on this because being socially active is one of an important part of our lives.

3) Emotional: Handling emotions regarding issues of friends, studies, parents etc. [Score:3/5]
Weak in handling emotions especially from issues like studies and friends.

4) Occupational: Student. [Score:  3/5]
As a student I am keeping up with my work on time but I do not have confidence in taking quizzes and tests.

5) Spiritual: Religion. [Score:4/5] 
Not a very religious person but tries to pray everyday and reflect on myself.

6) Physical: Being fit. [
Score: 2/5]
Needs to do more exercise (like running) and being physically fit by maintaing and eating healthy food.

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